“If we are not excited about it, it’s not the right path.”
Abraham Hicks
Sometimes we step in a puddle, slip on the ice, trip over a rock on our trail,
fall off our bikes, ride the wave on surfboards then find ourselves underwater,
or we are flying high down that double black diamond cruising through
that turn when we catch an edge and wipe out spectacularly. At times we
go down harder than others on the path and journey of life. But we always
get back up, dust ourselves off and keep going. We may at times need to
alter our path we are on, head down a different path or keep buggering on
steadfastly down the path we started. We will eventually get to the clearing
or open meadow and say wow! What a view, pause, reflect, look around,
enjoy the beauty, soak up the feeling and then we say let us do that again!
Maybe we will head off to another peak on the next mountain range, but we
just keep going and when we do stop and look back, we just might realize
the best part were the struggles where we picked ourselves up after the
fall. No one climbs a mountain all at once, mountains are climbed one solid
step at a time. Focus on one solid step at a time.
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: