Monday, November 27, 2023


THE POWER TO THINK:   “Never underestimate the power of thought; it is the greatest path to discovery.”                                  Idowu Koyenikan The abi...



“Never underestimate the power of thought;

it is the greatest path to discovery.”

                                Idowu Koyenikan

The ability to think. To reason. To plan things out. To contemplate. To

use logic. These are our greatest powers. Yet, we often just give them

up or hand them over to others. Following someone or something else

blindly, just because. We are in danger of becoming uniform parts in

a uniform system, mindlessly wandering all through life according to

someone else’s predetermined plan instead of using our own minds

and carving our own path. Thinking for ourselves. Arriving at our own

decisions and conclusions after thinking and reasoning for ourselves

based on our own set of virtues and value system we believe in rather

than someone else’s pre-conceived point of view. We must develop

this because as we grow up, other peoples’ value systems or beliefs

are imprinted upon us. Maybe they are “right” maybe they are “wrong”.

We must judge for ourselves with our own minds, from our own point of

view. With our own brains.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, November 17, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Think for Yourself Decide for Yourself

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Think for Yourself Decide for Yourself:                                                                         “We are like children who first repeat the “unquestionable truth” to...

Think for Yourself Decide for Yourself


“We are like children who first repeat the “unquestionable

truth” told to us by our [grandparents] then the “truth”

told to us by our teachers, and then when we become

older, the “truth” told to us by prominent people.”

                                                        Ralph Waldo Emerson

Define for yourself your perspective, point of view, outlook, attitude,

and beliefs towards the world. Test everything with your knowledge

and intellect. Accept what you wish and reject what you will. All too

often we hand over our power to decide for ourselves, what to do,

what to believe to others, giving them the authority to tell us what to

do, what to believe, blindly accepting everything we are told.

We are in total control of what to believe, our point of view and our

attitude unless we concede that control to someone or something else.

Our choices are ours, guard them closely and keep them for ourselves.

Always question common opinion. Live with an open and receptive

mind. Be wary of the this is the way we have always done it trap.

Watch out for SALY. (Same as Last Year).

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, November 10, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: LEARNING LAST FOREVER

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: LEARNING LAST FOREVER:                                                               “We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our school master...



“We receive three educations, one from our parents, one

from our school masters, and one from the world.”

                                                 Baron de Montesquieu

Education is not something you can finish. In fact, for most people,

real education begins after formal education concludes. Learning how

to learn is the most important skill to acquire. I have often heard

the phrase, “Now you need to unlearn everything you learned in law

school.” Learn, unlearn, re-learn, and stay curious.

The biggest mistake someone can make is thinking they already

know it all; you can never truly have a certain area or topic mastered.

Complacency kills. Be curious, thirst to learn more, and learn from

other people’s mistakes as well as what worked well for them. You

cannot learn if you are not open or willing to listen.

Every person has one or two nuggets or pearls of wisdom you can

take away that will add to your toolbox. You can guarantee someone

knows more than you do no matter what the topic, so stay humble,

stay curious, be open, and constantly be on the lookout for fresh ideas.

The important thing is to never stop questioning.

“Wisdom and knowledge are not the products of

schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”

                                                Albert Einstein

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, November 3, 2023


Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: BE CURIOUS:                                                         “Be authentic. Be unique. Be you. Stay curious. Be curious not judgmental.”         ...



“Be authentic. Be unique. Be you. Stay

curious. Be curious not judgmental.”

                                                    Walt Whitman

Curiosity is a secret weapon. Kids are curious creatures. Remember

how 4-year-olds always ask, “But why?” Somehow as we age, we

lose our curiosity. It’s because we think we know it all. We are so

smart. We do not have time to stop, listen, and explore what is right

in front of our eyes.

Everyone and everything is interesting if you know how to ask

questions and listen. “What is your story? Tell me more.” This really

means listening, learning, and dissecting the answers. It’s not about

simply nodding your head while thinking about how to end the conversation

so you can finally get to the bar for another drink.

Everyone has a story to tell. You just need to know how and where

to look for it. Be curious. Be inquisitive. Remaining curious is the best

way to stay open to continued learning. Quietly listening helps us stay

open to learning.

Things change. Learn new things. History repeats itself. Learn

from the past. Learn from other people’s mistakes and from the lessons

they have learned. It is amazing how much we can learn by observing

others and reading what others before us have gone through. These

lessons go back thousands of years, yet they are still as relevant today

as they were then. What you think you know is a tiny droplet in the

ocean. Stay humble. Stay open. Stay confident and curious. Always

ask, “Why? What did I learn? What are my takeaways?” It is part of

the value of humility. Stop, look, listen, and reflect. Constant learning,

un-learning, and re-learning equals progress.

Any college degree is outdated by the time you walk off the

campus. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to learn

the learning process. Discover how to study and take it all in. Every

day should be studied—we can learn a valuable lesson at any moment.

Learn from your mistakes and failures. Better yet, learn from other

people’s mistakes and failures and avoid making the same ones yourself.

Success and failure are tied together. They live together.

“When your enemy is making a mistake, let them go, do not interrupt

them.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Learn from your mistakes, have patience and humility, and always

stay curious. Be genuinely interested in other people, and never be

fake or patronizing, not only because it is the right thing to do to

connect with others, but because it is a great way to learn.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: