Helping Make our Communities Safer. Jaime is a Trial Attorney and Safety Advocate at Jaime Jackson Law in Lancaster, PA representing seriously injured victims, wrongful death and those harmed by unsafe products and corporate neglect. Contact Jaime at 717-519-7254 or email
Friday, January 24, 2025
Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: KEEP GOING
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
in moments of comfort and convenience, but where
he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
The going gets tough sometimes. There is a lot of tough going in life,
and when we feel that way we just need to keep going. It will inevitably
get better. We will be the better person or better for it because we kept
going. Struggled through and never faltered. It is like mile two in a 5K
race or mile nine in a half marathon or mile 18 in a marathon, there
is always a tough stretch, a wall, but if we push on, we will reach new
heights. New horizons. New levels. We will get the job done. It is not
given to us on a silver platter. It is not worth it if it was. We must earn
it. Then the reward is worth it. Then we feel the sense of worthiness.
The sense of accomplishment. We did it. As Winston Churchill said,
“we have just got to keep buggering on!”
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:
Friday, January 17, 2025
Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: MOTIVATION
“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.”
Ralph Marston
We do not always feel motivated. In fact, some days we may go out
of our way to avoid the task at hand. This is when our discipline must
kick in. We are not always motivated so we must be disciplined. As
usual it comes down to just getting started. Once we get started, we
find our flow. On those rare occasions we just do not even find our
flow, when we complete the task at hand, when we are done, we feel
better about ourselves than how we would feel if we skipped out on
the workout, work, or whatever job needed to be done. We are going
to have to get it done at some point, so why not just get it done? The
satisfaction of a job well done, or even just getting it done is way better
than the feeling of guilt or regret of not doing it. Lack of motivation can
be just another form of resistance we need to overcome. So, step up
to the start line and just get going.
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:
Friday, January 10, 2025
“If I have seen further, it is by standing
on the shoulders of giants.”
Isaac Newton
Everything builds on itself. Nothing is new. Our thoughts. Our ideas.
Our actions, which all may seem original, or we may think they are,
but consciously or unconsciously we are taking the seeds of someone
else’s thoughts, ideas or work and growing them. Improving them.
Making them bigger or better with fresh insights and new points of
view. Different environments that are more receptive to ideas or work.
History repeats itself for sure. Make no mistake, many critical thinkers
and “inventors” have come forth with fantastically new concepts, ideas,
and improvements, but all this is building on someone else’s foundational
work. New breakthroughs and “improvements” may come, but
for all the unheralded or long forgotten work of many, many others
that started the ball bouncing down the path, the breakthrough innovations
would have been much delayed. We all rely on those who came
before us and around us. Give credit where credit is due and be that
giant for someone else in the future. We learn so much from those
who came before us, or we should if we only look. As it is often said,
“history repeats itself.” Technology may be vastly different, but the
underlying principles, problems, issues, human nature, rarely change.
Chances are someone has been there and done that. Learn from
other people’s mistakes. Improve upon them and make them better.
Learn from other people’s experiences and wisdom. There are so
many people in the history of the world that we can gain insight and
lessons from. Whether it be “ancient history” like Marcus Aurelius and
Seneca or “modern times” like people who are alive today, over the
last few decades and centuries. Learn from the best. Stand on the
shoulders of giants. Gain fundamental insights into what great minds
have learned before us and then look at it from our own point of view
and how to make it better. Adapt to our own environments. If you just
stand on their shoulders, you will see further than the crowd.
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:
Friday, January 3, 2025
Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: INNER STRENGTH
“The sun shines not on us but in us.”
John Muir
We all have it. Some people may be better at tapping into it and going
deeper than others, but it is in there somewhere. Where does it come
from? Fortitude, persistence, resilience, preparation, relentlessness,
wisdom, courage, patience, strength, whatever label we choose to
put on it, these are just words we use. What counts is what we do
and how we do it. We may never know the exact answer to whatever
divine providence, or the universe has placed within us, or whatever
we have grown, developed, cultivated within ourselves, or both. We
are capable of things or so much more than what we ever “thought”
possible. The choices we make based on our values are the foundation
for everything we do. The hero and the coward feel the same inside.
Some people just make better choices. Some people are simply better
at hiding it. Choose courage. Choose truth. Choose to do your best no
matter what the circumstances may be. We may never know where
this inner strength comes from. Do your best and use it to the best of
your abilities. Be the best version of yourself in the moment you are
faced with it. Believe in yourself. Banish all doubt. A little doubt is ok,
it helps us prepare. The only true limitations are the limits we place on
ourselves. Challenge yourself regularly. Take on interesting challenges
that force us to grow. We do not always get to choose the load, but
we get to choose how we carry it. We are what we believe ourselves
to be. Do not lie to yourself. Do not fool yourself. Avoid constantly
comparing yourself to other people. Believe in yourself.
You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: