Friday, February 28, 2025

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: MANTRE

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: MANTRA:                                                                              “Mood follows action.”                          Rich Roll A man...



“Mood follows action.”

                        Rich Roll

A mantra can help keep us focused or bring us back to reminding us

what is important to us. A mantra such as, “I cannot always control

what happens to me or around me, but I can control how I choose

to react to it,” can help us control our temper or anxiety and keep

us grounded. A mantra when we are running up that hill, such as “I

am strong, I am strong,” can keep us moving and pushing forward.

A mantra such as: “thank you God for this beautiful day and all the

goodness it will bring” is a way to practice gratitude. “I am going to

be the best version of myself in this moment.” A mantra when we are

going to trial, deposition, or give a presentation, when our nerves are

running high, such as “I am calm, I am calm” can keep us relaxed

and focused. A mantra allows us to keep calm, relax, stay focused

and remind ourselves we are prepared and quite ready and perfectly

capable of accomplishing the task at hand, while keeping us within

our mission and value system we have created for ourselves. Repeat

your mantra when you are running or meditating.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, February 14, 2025

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: COURAGE

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: COURAGE:   COURAGE “Courage is grace under pressure.”              Ernest Hemingway “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.”       ...




“Courage is grace under pressure.”

            Ernest Hemingway

“Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.”

            John Wayne

Courage is knowing the right thing to do and doing it even when it is

hard. Courage is the will and discipline to prepare. Courage is something

we are born with, but we must recognize the courage is there. We

must look for it. Cultivate it. Grow it. Courage is not arrogance, stupidity

and doing foolish things. There is a difference between courage,

bravery, and foolishness, we must recognize the difference. Courage

is standing up for what you know is right. Pursuing the right things.

Doing our best. Making good choices. Taking care of ourselves and

taking care of others is courage. Sometimes courage is not always

saddling up anyway and doing something, it can also be restraint or

temperance and not doing anything. Self- control. Courage is setting

aside your own doubts, what other people may think and doing your

best, no matter what. Courage is in us. It is in there. It may not always

feel like it, but trust yourself, know that you have the courage. Everyone

is scared, nervous, apprehensive, excited, anxious, whatever label

you choose to put on it. If you do not have butterflies in your stomach

or your stomach does not feel like a bowl full of jelly it means you do

not care or your dead inside. Take the energy. Take the excitement,

the “butterflies” and use it to your advantage to stay focused, do

something in the moment, breathe deeply and relish the experience.

You are well prepared. You are unique. You have the skill. You have

the power. You are plenty capable of getting the job done. Who cares

what other people think about how you look, your hair or whatever

imagined up fears or concerns you have? You have the power, and

it ought not to be wasted. Rise to the occasion. Banish all self-doubt.

Without courage we cannot practice kindness, honesty, generosity,

or truthfulness. Courage. What is courage to you? It means standing

up. Being resolute in what you know deep down in your soul is right.

Courage is not puffery, recklessness, or being foolhardy. Courage is

being prepared. Courage is not giving in to what others may try to

force on you when you know it is wrong. Do the right thing. Do your

best. That is courageous.

“Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is

going on when you don’t have the strength.”

            Theodore Roosevelt

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: