Friday, May 24, 2024



“If one oversteps the bounds of moderation,

the greatest pleasures cease to please.”


Moderation, temperance, why are these things so hard? We know

if we drink too much, we pay the price with a hangover. Too much

pleasure leads to pain and guilt. A few hours of “fun” leads to hours

of suffering and guilty feelings. Same when we eat too much or the

wrong foods or do something that we know is wrong or contrary to our

values. Just like sometimes the best way to make money is not to lose

it, the best way to stay healthy, happy, and feel good about ourselves

is not to go overboard on our indulgences and desires. Just like pain

is temporary, pleasure is temporary too. Some are OK, but it’s easy to

push a little too far and get out of control. The key may be not to start,

to begin with and take a different path. We should always be mindful

of temperance and moderation. Too much of a “good” thing turns out

to be a “bad” thing. Celebrate, have fun, be merry, but be aware and

mindful of enough is enough. We have choices we can control, but it

gets tougher to stop the further down the path we are.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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