Friday, October 27, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: READ

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: READ:                                                 “Read the best books first, otherwise you will find you do not have enough time.”           ...



“Read the best books first, otherwise you will

find you do not have enough time.”

                     Ralph Waldo Emerson

Read! And I do not mean Instagram, Facebook, or the latest “news”

on your phone. Read the best books and avoid the traps of junk. Read

what has stood the test of time; there is a reason they are called the

“classics.” We have available to us, through written books, thousands

of years of wisdom and knowledge.

Read what interests you. Read to learn something. Read to

re-learn. Be attentive to what you read so it sinks in. Take notes.

Reading is not always about how much you read, or how many books

you read, it is more about the quality of what you read—soaking in the

knowledge, retaining it, and thinking about it repeatedly.

It is better to know a few things well—so we can put that knowledge

to actionable use in our daily lives—rather than to fill our heads with

junk, gossip, or other commercialized social media.

If you do start a book and don’t like it, or it is not resonating with

you, set it aside. If it is a 200-page book, and after reading 10% (20

pages of it), it is just a stinker, put it down and move on to the next

book. Life is too short to suffer through a book that doesn’t resonate

with you. Anytime someone says they read a book and “it changed

their life,” remember that title; it’s probably worth the read.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Listen

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Listen:                                                       “Never miss an opportunity to shut up.”                  Will Rogers Listen. Look. Be ...



“Never miss an opportunity to shut up.”

                Will Rogers

Listen. Look. Be aware. Observe. Pay attention. Be present. Hear what

is to be heard. Stay curious. Communication is talking, listening, and

seeing, mostly listening, intently. Cultivate keen awareness. We must

always work on listening. Try to talk with people. Communicate with

people. You will always learn something. Listening helps the other

person. They just want to be heard. Just wanting someone to listen

to them. Respect them. Show respect by listening. Listen to the water

flowing in the creek. Listen to the wind. Listen to the birds. Listen to the

tone of the other person’s voice. Listen to body language. Listen to the

message behind the words. Listen to the choice of words. Slow down

and listen. Pay attention. Show a genuine interest in what the other

person is saying. Be engaged. Spend the time. Be curious and you will

learn something or help someone because you listened. Awareness.

Observance. Perception. Point of view. Heightened awareness of what

is happening around us. Pay attention. Life is about where you choose

to place your attention. There are things to be seen, heard, or soaked

in that may pass us by. Be careful not to judge, just observe, just listen.

Just be. Let emotions flow. Feel, listen, observe, ascertain the intent of

what is the message behind the message. Words are just words. Where

is the hidden truth? Listen to it. Look for it. Be open. Be transparent.

Stop, look, and listen for life’s beauty. It is there. Not always in plain sight.

Sometimes you must look closer for it. Sometimes it is blindingly obvious.

Listening to learn. Listening to learn is the highest level of listening.

The most helpful type of listening, both to ourselves because we truly

learn, but also to the other person because it allows them to be heard

on a deep-down human level passing on their knowledge. Connection.

We must fight our urge to listen to argue. Always be right. To take over.

To just tell the other person what to do or think. How about we just

listen? Pause, reflect, be curious. We will be more helpful and may learn

something ourselves. Look for the message behind the message. It is

there. We just need to look for it. Listen. Body language. Tone of voice.

Hidden messages, but not really hidden, right there in front of us. If we

just listen. Pause. Reflect. State curious. Listen to learn. The less we talk

the more we learn. The less you talk the more you will be heard. Talk,

talk, talk, and people tune you out. Blab on and when you actually have

something important to add to the conversation no one will hear it. Like

the boy who cried wolf, your insights will be diluted into your blabber.

Never talk over people, it is rude. You cannot listen if you are talking.

How often do we keep babbling on thinking we are really driving

our point home? Make a point or points, make them with strength,

confidence, and conviction then sit down and shut up. There is great

power in that. Short, sweet and to the point. The reason so many of

us cannot do that. We are not prepared. We do not put in the work

to make it simple. We have nagging doubts about ourselves. We are

trying to convince ourselves. We think we are prepared, but like Mark

Twain said, “if I had the time, I would make it shorter.”

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF IN THE MOMENT:   “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”                                    Maya Angelou The bot...



“Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better, do better.”

                            Maya Angelou

The bottom line is this: be the best version of yourself in this moment.

We want to have a life’s purpose. We set long term goals. The BIG

PICTURE. This is good, it is great to have a master plan, but the bottom

line is the best way to have a sense of purpose, to reach our life’s goals

is to simply be the best version of ourselves in this given moment. Am

I being the best version of myself right now? Let this question guide

our every decision. Our every act. Constantly pause and ask yourself,

am I being the best version of myself in this moment. It does not

matter if you are doing a push-up or going to meet with the President.

Am I the best version of myself today? Right here, right now in what

I am doing. This may mean helping the person right in front of you or

placed in your path. Putting your best effort forth on this lap around

the track, rep at the gym, presentation to management, whatever the 

task at hand be the best version of yourself in the moment. Make the

most of your time. Saying no when you know you should. Doing the

right thing. Helping when you should help. Whatever project you are

working on, no matter how petty you perceive it at the time, simply

do your best. Be who you are. Be who you know you should be. Be

the best version of yourself at this moment and you will find the best

version of yourself just keeps getting better and better.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, October 6, 2023


Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: WHAT IS THE PUROPOSE OF LIFE? WHAT IS THE MEANING ...:   “Whoever has a why to live can bear almost any how.”                                                   Friedrich Nietzsche We ask ourselve...



“Whoever has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

                                        Friedrich Nietzsche

We ask ourselves, what is the purpose of my life? What is the meaning

of life? Why am I here? Reasonable questions to ask. The answer,

like most things, is quite complicated, yet so simple. The purpose of

life, the meaning of life, the reason we are here: to live life. To live my

life in my time in accordance with my virtues and values. That is, it.

The better way to phrase these questions is, what does life expect of

me? What is life asking of me, right here, right now? What task in life

is waiting for me? This is uniquely specific to me. No one else. Not

what other people want of me. Not what other people think I should

do. Not what I think other people want or want me to do. What is life

asking of me? It is for me. It is for me to decide how I will answer.

How I answer will dictate the quality of my life and how I “feel” about

myself. If I do my best and respond to what is being asked of me to

the best of my ability in accordance with my values and virtues, then

I will feel “good” about myself, If I do not then I will feel “bad” about

myself. Living life is the opportunity to do something in the moment.

Whatever life puts on our plate we eat it. Whatever life throws at us

we accept it. Deal with it. Thrive on it. Learn from it. Survive and thrive.

Life can be simplified into three steps:

1. Do something. Act. Deeds. Do good deeds! Deeds, actions,

not words. Create something. Work. Do your job. Do your

duty. Bring something into being. Make it happen. Bringing

work into being. Mood follows action.

2. Experiencing something. Experiences. Pleasure. Nature. Art.

Music. Reading. Exercising. Observing. Taking it all in. LOVE;


3. If it cannot be 1 or 2, and this may be the most important to

recognize and accept, if it can’t be 1 or 2 then take a stance

against your inevitable, unalterable fate. Accept, react, and

deal with your unalterable fate. Deal with the inevitable. But

make damn sure it is inalterable and inevitable, like terminal

cancer for example.

Living my life in my time, answering the questions life puts to

ME, is specific to me in my moment in time. Now. What does life

expect of me? What is life asking of me? What task in life is waiting

for me? Prepare, train, act. I am responsible for my own existence,

in my moments, in my time. Life is a task in every moment. How will I

respond? How will I deal with difficulties? How will I respond to what

is being asked of me?

We should never ask what is the purpose of life? That is not the

question. The question is, what is life asking of me? Right here, right

now. Life is all about our being questioned. Constantly. The purpose

and meaning of life are how we respond to these questions being

asked of us. How we react. How we answer. How we act in our everyday

lives. Life is what we create, experience, and suffer in our time,

in this time. Every single moment contains many possibilities. How

will I choose? We must choose in accordance with our virtues and

values and act. Make it happen. As has been said when life hands

you lemons, make lemonade. Whatever life hands you, grab onto it,

get in the arena, and take action. Enjoy every single moment.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here: