Sunday, October 22, 2023



“Never miss an opportunity to shut up.”

                Will Rogers

Listen. Look. Be aware. Observe. Pay attention. Be present. Hear what

is to be heard. Stay curious. Communication is talking, listening, and

seeing, mostly listening, intently. Cultivate keen awareness. We must

always work on listening. Try to talk with people. Communicate with

people. You will always learn something. Listening helps the other

person. They just want to be heard. Just wanting someone to listen

to them. Respect them. Show respect by listening. Listen to the water

flowing in the creek. Listen to the wind. Listen to the birds. Listen to the

tone of the other person’s voice. Listen to body language. Listen to the

message behind the words. Listen to the choice of words. Slow down

and listen. Pay attention. Show a genuine interest in what the other

person is saying. Be engaged. Spend the time. Be curious and you will

learn something or help someone because you listened. Awareness.

Observance. Perception. Point of view. Heightened awareness of what

is happening around us. Pay attention. Life is about where you choose

to place your attention. There are things to be seen, heard, or soaked

in that may pass us by. Be careful not to judge, just observe, just listen.

Just be. Let emotions flow. Feel, listen, observe, ascertain the intent of

what is the message behind the message. Words are just words. Where

is the hidden truth? Listen to it. Look for it. Be open. Be transparent.

Stop, look, and listen for life’s beauty. It is there. Not always in plain sight.

Sometimes you must look closer for it. Sometimes it is blindingly obvious.

Listening to learn. Listening to learn is the highest level of listening.

The most helpful type of listening, both to ourselves because we truly

learn, but also to the other person because it allows them to be heard

on a deep-down human level passing on their knowledge. Connection.

We must fight our urge to listen to argue. Always be right. To take over.

To just tell the other person what to do or think. How about we just

listen? Pause, reflect, be curious. We will be more helpful and may learn

something ourselves. Look for the message behind the message. It is

there. We just need to look for it. Listen. Body language. Tone of voice.

Hidden messages, but not really hidden, right there in front of us. If we

just listen. Pause. Reflect. State curious. Listen to learn. The less we talk

the more we learn. The less you talk the more you will be heard. Talk,

talk, talk, and people tune you out. Blab on and when you actually have

something important to add to the conversation no one will hear it. Like

the boy who cried wolf, your insights will be diluted into your blabber.

Never talk over people, it is rude. You cannot listen if you are talking.

How often do we keep babbling on thinking we are really driving

our point home? Make a point or points, make them with strength,

confidence, and conviction then sit down and shut up. There is great

power in that. Short, sweet and to the point. The reason so many of

us cannot do that. We are not prepared. We do not put in the work

to make it simple. We have nagging doubts about ourselves. We are

trying to convince ourselves. We think we are prepared, but like Mark

Twain said, “if I had the time, I would make it shorter.”

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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