Friday, June 21, 2024



“Never bend your head, hold your head up

high. Look the world straight in the eye.”

                                        Helen Keller

What good does it do to slink around with your tail between your legs

looking at the floor? Squirming in your seat looking away. Engage.

Look the other person straight in the eye. Make eye contact. Connect.

Keep eye contact. What do you think the other person is thinking when

they are talking to you, and you are looking down at the floor or off in

the distance? You are scared. Weak. Untrustworthy. Spineless. Stand

tall. Be resolute. You are not meaning to intimidate, that is not it, but

engage, listen, connect. Listening with your eyes. When we talk to our

kids and they do something wrong, they look at the floor, or avert eye

contact. Hold your head up high and look the world straight in the eye.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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