Friday, August 30, 2024



“Early to bed, early to rise makes a [wo]

man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

                                        Benjamin Franklin

Sleep is so important not only for our body to re-charge, to recover,

to reboot our mood, to mend, to heal, to dream, to follow our body’s

clock, our circadian rhythm and our 24-hour journey around the sun.

Own the morning, get up (do not look at your phone), exercise, make

sure to watch the sunrise. Get outside. That morning sunrise is in tune

with your body’s natural rhythm. The morning light and exercise will

help your bodies release of cortisol, not only giving you energy for your

day but triggering your body’s clock to about 12-14 hours later release

melatonin, to make you sleepy to go to bed. Oh, and be sure to watch

that beautiful sunset. The true measure of a good life is a good night’s

sleep, with the person you love sleeping next to you, and a good poop

in the morning when you wake up. Your body, brain, microbiome (gut)

and spirit are in sync, in accord with nature, and if you’re sleeping and

pooping well, you must be doing everything else right during the day,

like, exercising, working hard, getting outside and eating well……

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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