Friday, October 6, 2023



“Whoever has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

                                        Friedrich Nietzsche

We ask ourselves, what is the purpose of my life? What is the meaning

of life? Why am I here? Reasonable questions to ask. The answer,

like most things, is quite complicated, yet so simple. The purpose of

life, the meaning of life, the reason we are here: to live life. To live my

life in my time in accordance with my virtues and values. That is, it.

The better way to phrase these questions is, what does life expect of

me? What is life asking of me, right here, right now? What task in life

is waiting for me? This is uniquely specific to me. No one else. Not

what other people want of me. Not what other people think I should

do. Not what I think other people want or want me to do. What is life

asking of me? It is for me. It is for me to decide how I will answer.

How I answer will dictate the quality of my life and how I “feel” about

myself. If I do my best and respond to what is being asked of me to

the best of my ability in accordance with my values and virtues, then

I will feel “good” about myself, If I do not then I will feel “bad” about

myself. Living life is the opportunity to do something in the moment.

Whatever life puts on our plate we eat it. Whatever life throws at us

we accept it. Deal with it. Thrive on it. Learn from it. Survive and thrive.

Life can be simplified into three steps:

1. Do something. Act. Deeds. Do good deeds! Deeds, actions,

not words. Create something. Work. Do your job. Do your

duty. Bring something into being. Make it happen. Bringing

work into being. Mood follows action.

2. Experiencing something. Experiences. Pleasure. Nature. Art.

Music. Reading. Exercising. Observing. Taking it all in. LOVE;


3. If it cannot be 1 or 2, and this may be the most important to

recognize and accept, if it can’t be 1 or 2 then take a stance

against your inevitable, unalterable fate. Accept, react, and

deal with your unalterable fate. Deal with the inevitable. But

make damn sure it is inalterable and inevitable, like terminal

cancer for example.

Living my life in my time, answering the questions life puts to

ME, is specific to me in my moment in time. Now. What does life

expect of me? What is life asking of me? What task in life is waiting

for me? Prepare, train, act. I am responsible for my own existence,

in my moments, in my time. Life is a task in every moment. How will I

respond? How will I deal with difficulties? How will I respond to what

is being asked of me?

We should never ask what is the purpose of life? That is not the

question. The question is, what is life asking of me? Right here, right

now. Life is all about our being questioned. Constantly. The purpose

and meaning of life are how we respond to these questions being

asked of us. How we react. How we answer. How we act in our everyday

lives. Life is what we create, experience, and suffer in our time,

in this time. Every single moment contains many possibilities. How

will I choose? We must choose in accordance with our virtues and

values and act. Make it happen. As has been said when life hands

you lemons, make lemonade. Whatever life hands you, grab onto it,

get in the arena, and take action. Enjoy every single moment.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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