Friday, August 9, 2024



“It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got.”

                                        Sheryl Crow

If only I had this, or if only I had that. Ambition can be a good thing.

Desire can be a good thing. Ambition and desire can lead us to where

we want to go, assuming we know where we want to go and that is

where we want to be. These things can also be a distraction or an

illusion. I will be happy if ..., I will be satisfied if... This conditional

happiness can be a trap. Not to be confused with legitimate goals.

The key is to love the process, love the journey, be happy in the

present and the path we are on. If we are always chasing rainbows

or walking towards horizons we will never get to or any closer to, we

will lose sight of the beauty we are standing in the middle of. The

grass is always greener where you water it. What we are surrounded

with. It is like wanting what you cannot have, that forbidden fruit, it

is because we can’t have it that we want it. We do not really need it.

We already got it. It is not about wanting what you cannot have, but

rather wanting what you already got and being thankful and grateful

for what we do have. Chasing the most can be rewarding if we love

the chase, but not if we are only doing the chasing because we want

the more, the greener grass.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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