Friday, March 7, 2025



“Most of the important things in the world have been

accomplished by people who have kept on trying

when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

                                        Dale Carnegie

I have heard it said that everything worthwhile is an uphill battle or a

struggle. This may be true to the extent that it inspires hard work and

advancing our skills leads to success and the satisfaction of a job

well done. Equally true are all the worthwhile things that come with

nature when you stop to soak in the beauty of the morning sunrise,

sunset, the stars, the moon, the rivers, lakes, and woods. I suppose

with nature, the universe, and preserving it has always taken work

and nowadays certainly is an uphill battle to preserve nature and what

comes naturally. Once you put in the work to get up that hill sometimes

you need to go back down. Do it all over again and again. Hill

repeats. Never rest on your laurels. Never fall victim to complacency.

Stagnant. Others in the world will pass you by. Just because it worked

before does not mean it will next time. Sometimes, even if it is just for

a little while you need to stop and stand on top of that hill and enjoy

the scenery. Savor it. Then look for the next hill to climb.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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