Friday, January 10, 2025




“If I have seen further, it is by standing

on the shoulders of giants.”

                            Isaac Newton

Everything builds on itself. Nothing is new. Our thoughts. Our ideas.

Our actions, which all may seem original, or we may think they are,

but consciously or unconsciously we are taking the seeds of someone

else’s thoughts, ideas or work and growing them. Improving them.

Making them bigger or better with fresh insights and new points of

view. Different environments that are more receptive to ideas or work.

History repeats itself for sure. Make no mistake, many critical thinkers

and “inventors” have come forth with fantastically new concepts, ideas,

and improvements, but all this is building on someone else’s foundational

work. New breakthroughs and “improvements” may come, but

for all the unheralded or long forgotten work of many, many others

that started the ball bouncing down the path, the breakthrough innovations

would have been much delayed. We all rely on those who came

before us and around us. Give credit where credit is due and be that

giant for someone else in the future. We learn so much from those

who came before us, or we should if we only look. As it is often said,

“history repeats itself.” Technology may be vastly different, but the

underlying principles, problems, issues, human nature, rarely change.

Chances are someone has been there and done that. Learn from

other people’s mistakes. Improve upon them and make them better.

Learn from other people’s experiences and wisdom. There are so

many people in the history of the world that we can gain insight and

lessons from. Whether it be “ancient history” like Marcus Aurelius and

Seneca or “modern times” like people who are alive today, over the

last few decades and centuries. Learn from the best. Stand on the

shoulders of giants. Gain fundamental insights into what great minds

have learned before us and then look at it from our own point of view

and how to make it better. Adapt to our own environments. If you just

stand on their shoulders, you will see further than the crowd.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

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