Friday, December 29, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: A QUIET ROOM

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: A QUIET ROOM:   “All of Man’s problems stem from the inability to sit alone in a quiet room.”                                    Blaise Pascal Loneliness ...



“All of Man’s problems stem from the
inability to sit alone in a quiet room.”
                            Blaise Pascal

Loneliness is being alone when you do not want to be. But what if
we could be alone? What if we could force ourselves to be alone to
think? To wipe the slate clean, nothing on the chalkboard. What would
we be able to write on our chalkboards? Somehow, we just cannot sit
alone when the opportunity presents itself. When we are with other
people we love, sometimes we feel we want to be alone. When we
are alone, we want to be with the people we love. Take advantage
of the opportunity that is before you when you are with the ones you
love. Love the ones you are with. Be fully present. Do not look away.
Do not look for distractions, like a drink, your phone, the TV. Take
advantage of the moment. So too with the opportunity to be alone
when it presents itself. Take advantage of the ability to sit alone in a
quiet room. When home alone, listen to the quiet, be bored. Enjoy all
you have. At work enjoy the slow pace. Avoid creating unnecessary
deadlines for yourself. Do not stir the pot when you do not have to. Bite
off what you can chew and get it done. Do not put off until tomorrow
what you can do today. Do it and do it well. Just get started and trust
you will find your flow. Sometimes you need to be alone. Embrace it.
Sometimes you need to be with people. Get with people and embrace
it. But when you find yourself all alone, breathe deeply and find the
ability to sit alone in a quiet room and just be. We need to find critical
thinking time and get laser focused on our key hits. Make them. Stop!
That is confidence. That is power. That is right. Other reasons may be
nerves. We are nervous. Not focused and ramble on. Our brains go
off the reservation. Nerves can be good, it means we care, but why
nerves? It is not about us. Find your strength. Find your key points.
Find your confidence. This is your power.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Monday, December 11, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: THOUGHTS

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: THOUGHTS:   “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”                                            ...



“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

                                        Willie Nelson

Thoughts. I wonder if dogs have thoughts? Cats? In us humans our

character is shaped by our thoughts. That internal dialogue in our

head. “positive” thoughts. “negative” thoughts. Things we know we

should not do but we think about them. We are what we think, so

be careful what we think about and dwell upon. Guard against other

people filling our heads with “thoughts” or just because they have a

certain point of view, we should accept it. Maybe we should, maybe

we should not, but they should be our own thoughts with our own

reasons. If on any given day we just cannot seem to come up with an

original thought, then stick to what we know is right, our habits, our

routines, our values, and virtues. Stay the course and stay curious

as we come across each thing that comes before us, we can “think”

about it and how we “feel” about it. Develop or expand, accept, or

reject. But it is our mind, they are our thoughts. It is our divine ability

to think. It is one of our highest powers. Use it wisely.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, December 1, 2023


“The more you overthink the less you will understand.”                                      Habeeb Akande Overthinking sometimes can creat...



“The more you overthink the less you will understand.”

                                    Habeeb Akande

Overthinking sometimes can create stress, worry, or fear. Some things

are like a cold shower, we just gotta get in. After a while it is tolerable,

even feels rather good. Yes, we need to think through things, to

diligently prepare and do the work. But fretting or worrying too much

can be counterproductive. Calm, cool, confident knowing you got this,

you have put in the work. You have thought things through. You have

prepared. You are ready to go. A little anxiety is good, it keeps us on

our toes. Avoid getting sidetracked with excessive worry or distraction.

A little nervous energy, excitement, angst is good. It keeps us focused

on the task at hand and reminds us we very much care but be wary

of the opposite end of the spectrum where we overanalyze, overthink

and “what if” ourselves into inefficiency. Stay focused. Stay calm. Stay

confident and know you are quite good enough and quite capable.

Whatever happens you are well suited for the job because you are good

at what you do, you are capable, prepared, and ready to get it done.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Monday, November 27, 2023


THE POWER TO THINK:   “Never underestimate the power of thought; it is the greatest path to discovery.”                                  Idowu Koyenikan The abi...



“Never underestimate the power of thought;

it is the greatest path to discovery.”

                                Idowu Koyenikan

The ability to think. To reason. To plan things out. To contemplate. To

use logic. These are our greatest powers. Yet, we often just give them

up or hand them over to others. Following someone or something else

blindly, just because. We are in danger of becoming uniform parts in

a uniform system, mindlessly wandering all through life according to

someone else’s predetermined plan instead of using our own minds

and carving our own path. Thinking for ourselves. Arriving at our own

decisions and conclusions after thinking and reasoning for ourselves

based on our own set of virtues and value system we believe in rather

than someone else’s pre-conceived point of view. We must develop

this because as we grow up, other peoples’ value systems or beliefs

are imprinted upon us. Maybe they are “right” maybe they are “wrong”.

We must judge for ourselves with our own minds, from our own point of

view. With our own brains.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, November 17, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Think for Yourself Decide for Yourself

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Think for Yourself Decide for Yourself:                                                                         “We are like children who first repeat the “unquestionable truth” to...

Think for Yourself Decide for Yourself


“We are like children who first repeat the “unquestionable

truth” told to us by our [grandparents] then the “truth”

told to us by our teachers, and then when we become

older, the “truth” told to us by prominent people.”

                                                        Ralph Waldo Emerson

Define for yourself your perspective, point of view, outlook, attitude,

and beliefs towards the world. Test everything with your knowledge

and intellect. Accept what you wish and reject what you will. All too

often we hand over our power to decide for ourselves, what to do,

what to believe to others, giving them the authority to tell us what to

do, what to believe, blindly accepting everything we are told.

We are in total control of what to believe, our point of view and our

attitude unless we concede that control to someone or something else.

Our choices are ours, guard them closely and keep them for ourselves.

Always question common opinion. Live with an open and receptive

mind. Be wary of the this is the way we have always done it trap.

Watch out for SALY. (Same as Last Year).

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, November 10, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: LEARNING LAST FOREVER

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: LEARNING LAST FOREVER:                                                               “We receive three educations, one from our parents, one from our school master...



“We receive three educations, one from our parents, one

from our school masters, and one from the world.”

                                                 Baron de Montesquieu

Education is not something you can finish. In fact, for most people,

real education begins after formal education concludes. Learning how

to learn is the most important skill to acquire. I have often heard

the phrase, “Now you need to unlearn everything you learned in law

school.” Learn, unlearn, re-learn, and stay curious.

The biggest mistake someone can make is thinking they already

know it all; you can never truly have a certain area or topic mastered.

Complacency kills. Be curious, thirst to learn more, and learn from

other people’s mistakes as well as what worked well for them. You

cannot learn if you are not open or willing to listen.

Every person has one or two nuggets or pearls of wisdom you can

take away that will add to your toolbox. You can guarantee someone

knows more than you do no matter what the topic, so stay humble,

stay curious, be open, and constantly be on the lookout for fresh ideas.

The important thing is to never stop questioning.

“Wisdom and knowledge are not the products of

schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”

                                                Albert Einstein

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, November 3, 2023


Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: BE CURIOUS:                                                         “Be authentic. Be unique. Be you. Stay curious. Be curious not judgmental.”         ...



“Be authentic. Be unique. Be you. Stay

curious. Be curious not judgmental.”

                                                    Walt Whitman

Curiosity is a secret weapon. Kids are curious creatures. Remember

how 4-year-olds always ask, “But why?” Somehow as we age, we

lose our curiosity. It’s because we think we know it all. We are so

smart. We do not have time to stop, listen, and explore what is right

in front of our eyes.

Everyone and everything is interesting if you know how to ask

questions and listen. “What is your story? Tell me more.” This really

means listening, learning, and dissecting the answers. It’s not about

simply nodding your head while thinking about how to end the conversation

so you can finally get to the bar for another drink.

Everyone has a story to tell. You just need to know how and where

to look for it. Be curious. Be inquisitive. Remaining curious is the best

way to stay open to continued learning. Quietly listening helps us stay

open to learning.

Things change. Learn new things. History repeats itself. Learn

from the past. Learn from other people’s mistakes and from the lessons

they have learned. It is amazing how much we can learn by observing

others and reading what others before us have gone through. These

lessons go back thousands of years, yet they are still as relevant today

as they were then. What you think you know is a tiny droplet in the

ocean. Stay humble. Stay open. Stay confident and curious. Always

ask, “Why? What did I learn? What are my takeaways?” It is part of

the value of humility. Stop, look, listen, and reflect. Constant learning,

un-learning, and re-learning equals progress.

Any college degree is outdated by the time you walk off the

campus. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to learn

the learning process. Discover how to study and take it all in. Every

day should be studied—we can learn a valuable lesson at any moment.

Learn from your mistakes and failures. Better yet, learn from other

people’s mistakes and failures and avoid making the same ones yourself.

Success and failure are tied together. They live together.

“When your enemy is making a mistake, let them go, do not interrupt

them.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Learn from your mistakes, have patience and humility, and always

stay curious. Be genuinely interested in other people, and never be

fake or patronizing, not only because it is the right thing to do to

connect with others, but because it is a great way to learn.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, October 27, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: READ

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: READ:                                                 “Read the best books first, otherwise you will find you do not have enough time.”           ...



“Read the best books first, otherwise you will

find you do not have enough time.”

                     Ralph Waldo Emerson

Read! And I do not mean Instagram, Facebook, or the latest “news”

on your phone. Read the best books and avoid the traps of junk. Read

what has stood the test of time; there is a reason they are called the

“classics.” We have available to us, through written books, thousands

of years of wisdom and knowledge.

Read what interests you. Read to learn something. Read to

re-learn. Be attentive to what you read so it sinks in. Take notes.

Reading is not always about how much you read, or how many books

you read, it is more about the quality of what you read—soaking in the

knowledge, retaining it, and thinking about it repeatedly.

It is better to know a few things well—so we can put that knowledge

to actionable use in our daily lives—rather than to fill our heads with

junk, gossip, or other commercialized social media.

If you do start a book and don’t like it, or it is not resonating with

you, set it aside. If it is a 200-page book, and after reading 10% (20

pages of it), it is just a stinker, put it down and move on to the next

book. Life is too short to suffer through a book that doesn’t resonate

with you. Anytime someone says they read a book and “it changed

their life,” remember that title; it’s probably worth the read.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Listen

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Listen:                                                       “Never miss an opportunity to shut up.”                  Will Rogers Listen. Look. Be ...



“Never miss an opportunity to shut up.”

                Will Rogers

Listen. Look. Be aware. Observe. Pay attention. Be present. Hear what

is to be heard. Stay curious. Communication is talking, listening, and

seeing, mostly listening, intently. Cultivate keen awareness. We must

always work on listening. Try to talk with people. Communicate with

people. You will always learn something. Listening helps the other

person. They just want to be heard. Just wanting someone to listen

to them. Respect them. Show respect by listening. Listen to the water

flowing in the creek. Listen to the wind. Listen to the birds. Listen to the

tone of the other person’s voice. Listen to body language. Listen to the

message behind the words. Listen to the choice of words. Slow down

and listen. Pay attention. Show a genuine interest in what the other

person is saying. Be engaged. Spend the time. Be curious and you will

learn something or help someone because you listened. Awareness.

Observance. Perception. Point of view. Heightened awareness of what

is happening around us. Pay attention. Life is about where you choose

to place your attention. There are things to be seen, heard, or soaked

in that may pass us by. Be careful not to judge, just observe, just listen.

Just be. Let emotions flow. Feel, listen, observe, ascertain the intent of

what is the message behind the message. Words are just words. Where

is the hidden truth? Listen to it. Look for it. Be open. Be transparent.

Stop, look, and listen for life’s beauty. It is there. Not always in plain sight.

Sometimes you must look closer for it. Sometimes it is blindingly obvious.

Listening to learn. Listening to learn is the highest level of listening.

The most helpful type of listening, both to ourselves because we truly

learn, but also to the other person because it allows them to be heard

on a deep-down human level passing on their knowledge. Connection.

We must fight our urge to listen to argue. Always be right. To take over.

To just tell the other person what to do or think. How about we just

listen? Pause, reflect, be curious. We will be more helpful and may learn

something ourselves. Look for the message behind the message. It is

there. We just need to look for it. Listen. Body language. Tone of voice.

Hidden messages, but not really hidden, right there in front of us. If we

just listen. Pause. Reflect. State curious. Listen to learn. The less we talk

the more we learn. The less you talk the more you will be heard. Talk,

talk, talk, and people tune you out. Blab on and when you actually have

something important to add to the conversation no one will hear it. Like

the boy who cried wolf, your insights will be diluted into your blabber.

Never talk over people, it is rude. You cannot listen if you are talking.

How often do we keep babbling on thinking we are really driving

our point home? Make a point or points, make them with strength,

confidence, and conviction then sit down and shut up. There is great

power in that. Short, sweet and to the point. The reason so many of

us cannot do that. We are not prepared. We do not put in the work

to make it simple. We have nagging doubts about ourselves. We are

trying to convince ourselves. We think we are prepared, but like Mark

Twain said, “if I had the time, I would make it shorter.”

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF IN THE MOMENT:   “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”                                    Maya Angelou The bot...



“Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better, do better.”

                            Maya Angelou

The bottom line is this: be the best version of yourself in this moment.

We want to have a life’s purpose. We set long term goals. The BIG

PICTURE. This is good, it is great to have a master plan, but the bottom

line is the best way to have a sense of purpose, to reach our life’s goals

is to simply be the best version of ourselves in this given moment. Am

I being the best version of myself right now? Let this question guide

our every decision. Our every act. Constantly pause and ask yourself,

am I being the best version of myself in this moment. It does not

matter if you are doing a push-up or going to meet with the President.

Am I the best version of myself today? Right here, right now in what

I am doing. This may mean helping the person right in front of you or

placed in your path. Putting your best effort forth on this lap around

the track, rep at the gym, presentation to management, whatever the 

task at hand be the best version of yourself in the moment. Make the

most of your time. Saying no when you know you should. Doing the

right thing. Helping when you should help. Whatever project you are

working on, no matter how petty you perceive it at the time, simply

do your best. Be who you are. Be who you know you should be. Be

the best version of yourself at this moment and you will find the best

version of yourself just keeps getting better and better.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, October 6, 2023


Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: WHAT IS THE PUROPOSE OF LIFE? WHAT IS THE MEANING ...:   “Whoever has a why to live can bear almost any how.”                                                   Friedrich Nietzsche We ask ourselve...



“Whoever has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

                                        Friedrich Nietzsche

We ask ourselves, what is the purpose of my life? What is the meaning

of life? Why am I here? Reasonable questions to ask. The answer,

like most things, is quite complicated, yet so simple. The purpose of

life, the meaning of life, the reason we are here: to live life. To live my

life in my time in accordance with my virtues and values. That is, it.

The better way to phrase these questions is, what does life expect of

me? What is life asking of me, right here, right now? What task in life

is waiting for me? This is uniquely specific to me. No one else. Not

what other people want of me. Not what other people think I should

do. Not what I think other people want or want me to do. What is life

asking of me? It is for me. It is for me to decide how I will answer.

How I answer will dictate the quality of my life and how I “feel” about

myself. If I do my best and respond to what is being asked of me to

the best of my ability in accordance with my values and virtues, then

I will feel “good” about myself, If I do not then I will feel “bad” about

myself. Living life is the opportunity to do something in the moment.

Whatever life puts on our plate we eat it. Whatever life throws at us

we accept it. Deal with it. Thrive on it. Learn from it. Survive and thrive.

Life can be simplified into three steps:

1. Do something. Act. Deeds. Do good deeds! Deeds, actions,

not words. Create something. Work. Do your job. Do your

duty. Bring something into being. Make it happen. Bringing

work into being. Mood follows action.

2. Experiencing something. Experiences. Pleasure. Nature. Art.

Music. Reading. Exercising. Observing. Taking it all in. LOVE;


3. If it cannot be 1 or 2, and this may be the most important to

recognize and accept, if it can’t be 1 or 2 then take a stance

against your inevitable, unalterable fate. Accept, react, and

deal with your unalterable fate. Deal with the inevitable. But

make damn sure it is inalterable and inevitable, like terminal

cancer for example.

Living my life in my time, answering the questions life puts to

ME, is specific to me in my moment in time. Now. What does life

expect of me? What is life asking of me? What task in life is waiting

for me? Prepare, train, act. I am responsible for my own existence,

in my moments, in my time. Life is a task in every moment. How will I

respond? How will I deal with difficulties? How will I respond to what

is being asked of me?

We should never ask what is the purpose of life? That is not the

question. The question is, what is life asking of me? Right here, right

now. Life is all about our being questioned. Constantly. The purpose

and meaning of life are how we respond to these questions being

asked of us. How we react. How we answer. How we act in our everyday

lives. Life is what we create, experience, and suffer in our time,

in this time. Every single moment contains many possibilities. How

will I choose? We must choose in accordance with our virtues and

values and act. Make it happen. As has been said when life hands

you lemons, make lemonade. Whatever life hands you, grab onto it,

get in the arena, and take action. Enjoy every single moment.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, September 29, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: THE PERSON YOU DECIDE TO BE

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: THE PERSON YOU DECIDE TO BE:   “The only person you are destined to be is the person you decide to be.”                                      Ralph Waldo Emerson The pow...



“The only person you are destined to be

is the person you decide to be.”

                                    Ralph Waldo Emerson

The power to decide. The ability to choose is the greatest trait or

power a human being has. Yes, the environment, body, and conditions

we are born into play a role, but we always have the power to

decide. Decide how hard we want to work. Decide where we want to

go. Decide who we want to be around. Decide our point of view. How

we choose to see things. Interestingly, when we start to do the work,

learn, be courageous, be curious, follow our heart, things start to

happen. Doors open. Opportunities crop up. We just must be mindful,

stay aware, get started and keep going. We need to earn our way and

work hard to our destiny and divine Providence, but when we prepare,

work hard, follow our intuition, forces no one can explain intervene

and guide us. Reinforce us. Invigorate us. Push us a certain way but

it is the combination of good choices based on core values combined

with doing the work, divine Providence and fate that takes us to our

decided destiny.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: GOOD NEWS!

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: GOOD NEWS!: GOOD NEWS “The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potentia...



“The good news is that you don’t know how great

you can be! How much you can love! What you

can accomplish! And what your potential is!”

                                    Anne Frank

How much we can help someone or our community. What a difference

we can make. What an impact we can have. How we feel about

ourselves. What we choose to do. Our point of view. How we see the

world. How we react to what happens. How we control our thoughts.

How we make choices. How we choose to see anything that happens

to or around us. Letting go of the external events that we do not control,

like what other people think or do. Trust that we are capable of so much

more physically or mentally. Bust through that ceiling we place on

ourselves. It is just another form of psychological resistance in disguise.

Keep going! See and explore of what you are truly capable. The good

news is that this is our power. Our choice. So, seize your power. Seize

your choice and act. Mood follows action. Good news indeed!

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, September 15, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Perfection

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Perfection:                                                          PERFECTION “To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.”            ...




“To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.”

                        Winston Churchill

Constant improvement is an excellent goal, perfection is not. I am not

sure perfection even exists. We get so caught up in believing things

must be “perfect” or this or that must be “perfect.” Perfect can be

paralyzing. Perfection is the enemy of good. Sometimes good is good

enough. If we follow one of the most fundamental rules of life, “do your

best” isn’t that all we can do, our best? Be the best version of ourselves

in the moment. We can all improve, constantly. We can do the work,

prepare, and get the job done in the best way we know how and that

is that. If we seek “perfection” we will never get anything done. We

can spend 5 hours getting 99% of the fence painted and then spend

five more hours just finishing those last touches trying to eliminate all

those brush stroke marks, just to make it look exactly perfectly right to

the discerning eye if you can even see it, when it looked pretty darn

good five hours before. What did that additional 5 hours get us?

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, September 8, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Yin and Yang

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: Yin and Yang:                                                     YIN AND YANG “The old age old story of Yin & Yang... Every positive side has a negat...

Yin and Yang



“The old age old story of Yin & Yang... Every positive

side has a negative side too. Which are you?”

                                    Timothy Pina

We all have our difficulties, ups and downs, highs and lows, peaks and

valleys, not quite able to find our yin and yang. Why is that? Why the

rollercoaster ride at times? Especially when there is no real reason to

feel down, or up. Why not a steadfast, stable path? Sometimes there

is more rolling around in our minds than we realize. Waiting to boil

over. We feel the need to magnify things, create stress, excitement,

or stir the pot. It is symbolic of a more significant underlying problem

we really need to look at and contemplate. Accept it or do something

about it. Move on or do something about it. But do not dwell on it and

let something that is really nothing suck the energy and lifeblood from

you. Highs and lows, peaks and valleys are a natural part of life, but

we can always look for and take care of getting our yin and yang back.

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: The Right Path

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: The Right Path:                                                                         THE RIGHT PATH “If we are not excited about it, it’s not the right p...

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Right Path



“If we are not excited about it, it’s not the right path.”

                                                                        Abraham Hicks

Sometimes we step in a puddle, slip on the ice, trip over a rock on our trail,

fall off our bikes, ride the wave on surfboards then find ourselves underwater,

or we are flying high down that double black diamond cruising through

that turn when we catch an edge and wipe out spectacularly. At times we

go down harder than others on the path and journey of life. But we always

get back up, dust ourselves off and keep going. We may at times need to

alter our path we are on, head down a different path or keep buggering on

steadfastly down the path we started. We will eventually get to the clearing

or open meadow and say wow! What a view, pause, reflect, look around,

enjoy the beauty, soak up the feeling and then we say let us do that again!

Maybe we will head off to another peak on the next mountain range, but we

just keep going and when we do stop and look back, we just might realize

the best part were the struggles where we picked ourselves up after the

fall. No one climbs a mountain all at once, mountains are climbed one solid

step at a time. Focus on one solid step at a time.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, August 18, 2023

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU

Jaime Jackson Safety Blog: IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU:                                                              IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU “Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do i...




“Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothing others

do is because of you. What others say and do is a

projection of their own reality, their own dream. When

you are immune to the opinions and actions of others,

you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”

                                        Don Miguel Ruiz

We can easily get overwhelmed or down on ourselves because we

care too much about what other people think or always take things

personally. Who are we trying to impress and why? We only need

to care what we think about ourselves. We can fall into the trap of

buying what we do not need to impress people we do not really know

or like. We also may assume other people do things directed at us

personally. It is not. Other people have their own issues and their own

problems. Do not take it personally. Funny things happen when we

start caring less about what “other people think.” We are less anxious.

Less nervous. More confident because it is not about us and other

people’s perceptions of us. We can focus on what we know is right,

avoiding what we know is wrong. The only person we need to impress

or satisfy is our true genuine authentic self. We can look ourselves

in the eye, in the mirror, and know we did the right thing. We did our

best. Other people’s worlds do not revolve around us even though it

may feel like it. We cannot control other people’s actions. They make

their own choices and lie in their own bed. We must do the same,

focus on our own choices, and make our own bed. When other people

do things, do not take it personally because it is not about us, there

are larger issues at play.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, August 11, 2023




“I believe in individuality, that everybody is special, and

it’s up to them to find that quality and let it live.”

                                                            Grace Jones

I am an individual. I am unique. I am unlike any other. My purpose

in life is unique, specific, individual to me in my time, in my space in

my choices, in my actions and what is being asked of me right now.

How I choose to respond and react to the individual specific question

being asked of me at any given point in time will dictate how I “feel”

about myself. Did I do the right thing? Did I act in accordance with my

virtues and values? Did I not respond? Did I fail to respond? Did I fail

to rise to the occasion? Did I not even hear the question? Did I see

it? Did I choose to ignore it? Look the other way? Take a stand. Act.

Run towards the fire. Tackle what is put in front of you. Eat what is on

your plate. Big or small. One step at a time. It is your responsibility.

Whatever happens, happens, you must deal with it. How you deal with

it is your responsibility and your choice. How you “feel” about it will

be guided by how you choose to act, not to act or how you dealt with

it. It is always your responsibility. It is always your individual choice.

Each time life gives you an individual question directed at you, how

will you choose to answer?

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, August 4, 2023




Don’t let the expectations and opinions of other people

affect your decisions. It’s your life, not theirs. Do what

matters most to you; do what makes you feel alive and

happy. Don’t let the expectations and ideas of others limit

who you are. If you let others tell you who you are, you are

living their reality — not yours. There is more to life than

pleasing people. There is much more to life than following

others’ prescribed path. There is so much more to life than

what you experience right now. You need to decide who

you are for yourself. Become a whole being. Adventure.”

                                        Roy T. Bennett

It is an innocent, throwaway question, or is it? It is much deeper than

that and really goes to the core of our being. Our soul. Why we are

here? What we are going to do with our lives? Are we merely uniform

parts or cogs to fit in a predetermined system? Parts. Throw away parts

that are easily replaceable? That would seem what society trains us

for. Are we machines who are programmed to go to work, earn money,

pay taxes, then punch out and “die”? I think not. We are divine spirits

placed in our roles and placed through some higher power, in this

space, in this time, in this set of circumstances. What are we going

to choose to do with all we have been gifted? Be uniform parts in a

predetermined uniform system? No, not I! I choose to accept what I

cannot control but know what I can control and steer my own divine

ship. Take care of my mind. Take care of my body. Take care of my

spirit. Take care of other people whose lives cross paths with my own.

Whatever I am called on to do I will do it and do my best. Accept it.

Act in accordance with my own virtues and values. My own sense of

right and wrong. Always doing my best. Always being the best version

of myself in the moment.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, July 28, 2023



 “All I can be is me. Whoever that is.”

                            Bob Dylan

Our true genuine, authentic, unique self. Whoever that is, is all we

got. Who am I? We spend a lifetime trying to figure that out. For what

am I here? What is my purpose? At our core we know who we are

our virtues and values, but we are not statues either. We are like a

river, constantly changing and adapting, growing, evolving, learning,

changing directions. Who we were five years ago, three years ago,

last year, yesterday is not the same person we are today. In fact, that

person is dead, and a new person is born each day. We have the same

core foundation, but we are constantly growing, changing, gaining

wisdom, learning, forgetting. So too are the world and other people

around us. Neither will we be the same person we are right now a

year from now, three years from now, 10 years from now, tomorrow.

Some things don’t change, the truth, our sense of right and wrong,

but we get better, we are in different circumstances, and we prepare

for the future, but we act and take care of the now.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, July 21, 2023



Be grateful. Be thankful. Be appreciative. Be satisfied. Be aware. Be

observant. Be with nature. Be accepting. Be receptive. Be open. Be

transparent. Be skeptical but listen. Be kind. Be polite. Be honest. Be

humble. Be sincere. Be truthful. Be authentic. Be strong. Be resilient.

Be moderate. Be temperate. Be focused. Be what is in your control.

Be forgiving. Be powerful. Be impactful. Be out for the common good.

Be persevering. Be steadfast. Be inspiring. Be a role model. Be you.

Be adventurous. Be yourself. Be good. Be.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Saturday, July 15, 2023




“If everything seems to be under control,

you are not going fast enough.”

                                                Mario Andretti

There are very few things we can control. We can control how we

choose to see things. How we choose to react to things. We cannot

always control what happens to us or around us, but we can control

how we react to it. Our anxiety comes from wanting things that are

outside our control. We can control our point of view. We can control

how we feel. How we see the world. How we react to circumstances

around us. We can prepare. We can train. We can get in the arena. We

can just get started. We can get out of our comfort zones. We can get

on the surfboard and be riding the wave, then we may find ourselves

underwater. Relax, accept it, rely on your physical and mental training

and the waves will pass over us. We know what we must do. Do our

best. Do the work. We cannot always control the stimulus, but we

can control our response. We can control our own behavior, our own

actions, and reactions. We must focus on what is within our control

and let go of what we cannot control. What other people do and think

is their choice, not ours. Who cares what other people think, they have

their own problems and are not thinking about us anyway. Do what

we can do and do it well in line with our virtues and values. Control is

defined in the dictionary as: “to exercise restraining or directing influence

over; to have power over.” How do we choose to exercise our

control? Do we choose to respond with anger, spite, vitriol, revenge?

The better course of action is to pause, reflect, contemplate, plan

out our possible choices and responses, then respond with courage,

confidence, contemplation, calmness, clarity, and character. Be better.

Do not make assumptions. Consider the other person’s point of view.

Consider you may not always be right. You do not know all the facts.

You have something to learn. Be curious. Cool as a cucumber. Calculated.

Cunning. Often the best revenge is to not act like the other

person is acting. Have the courage and mindset to look at what you

can control and let go of what you cannot control.

At first thought, this is tough to reconcile with the Stoic benchmark

principles Epictetus taught of concentrating on what you can control

(your thoughts, mind, and choices) and what you cannot control (externals).

The concepts are perfectly aligned. Like the racecar driver, a

skier, biker, we are behind the wheel. We are in control. That is until

you hit a pothole, or someone hits you, but those are externals. If we

focus on what we can control, we can indeed put the pedal to the metal

and act. Pushing ourselves to the limits. It may be a fine line, but it is

indeed within our control. How far we push ourselves. We may have

the sensation we are “out of control,” however, with well- planned

preparation and training we are not. We maintain control of ourselves

and proceed according to our well thought out plan. External problems

may happen on our journey that temporarily send us spinning out of

control, but we remain behind the wheel with our feet on the gas or

brake, shifting gears as we go but still in control.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, June 30, 2023

Point of View

                                 POINT OF VIEW

“I’m very confident in my point of view. ‘Cause I think that

that’s all you can really have. I’m never really going to

know what anybody else is going through, so it’s just kind

of your job to be expressive with your point of view.”

                                        Donald Glover

It is all a matter of how we look at things. Point of View (POV).

Perception. Choices. Frame of mind. We choose. We get to decide

how we will view things. The glass is half empty or half full. Rose

colored glasses. It could be worse; it could be better. We decide. Fate.

Things happen for a reason. Someone, something put us here for a

reason. We may not be able to control external things, but we do and

can control our own mind, our own choices, our own decisions. That

is if we do not let other people take what is ours, our choice, our mind

away from us. We can control our internal things, how we feel, how

we think, how we choose to act, but beyond that, we cannot always

control what is happening around us. We can endeavor to influence

external forces that we cannot totally control. We can try to influence

or push in the right direction, how we want things to go, rather than

turning the other way or turning a blind eye. We can try to make a

difference. We should think less about what we want and start thinking

about what other people want. We see what we want to see. We get a

thought in our head, and it can be like a weed that grows and grows,

or beautiful flowers that grow and grow. We see what we tell ourselves

we see. We believe what we tell ourselves we should believe. We see

what we choose to see. Everything, I mean everything that happens

to us, is an opportunity to see the beauty and the challenge of it. We

see opportunity, challenge, joy, beauty. Imagine what we choose to

imagine. Everything that happens makes us better. If it is too easy it

makes us weaker. We were made for strength, adversity, adaptability,

struggle, to work hard and be productive. Do the work. If it can be

thought of it can be done and we can open our eyes to the beauty

and joy of the process. We always have control of how we see things.

We set our point of view and perception. We control our minds. The

world is constantly trying to take control over our minds. What other

people think. Our phones. Social media. What we read. Who and

what we choose to give our attention to is our choice. No one can take

that from us. How we choose to spend our time is our choice. What

I choose to do is my choice. How I feel is my choice. How I react is

my choice. We cannot always control what happens to or around us,

but we can control how we respond, react or how we feel about it.

We can choose to see positive. We can choose happiness. We can

choose doom and gloom. We can choose to push forward and continue

through adversity. We can choose anger, but really what good does

that do us in the end? We can choose to see the glass as half full or

half empty. We can choose to help people. We can choose when we

say yes and when we say no. It is our lens how we choose to see the

world around us. It is our point of view. It is our mind that is always

within our control.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:

Friday, June 23, 2023




“That which does not kill us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche may have been talking about near death experiences, but I suspect more likely, the every day “little” things that we fret and stress over. As we worry and whip ourselves into a frenzy leading up to an event, or worrying about what will happen, the everyday struggles. We will get through them, be the better for having gone through it and come out the other side stronger. Better for it. A life without struggle is not worth living. Then again, Nietzsche may have been talking about those narrow escape near death experiences where we escape the grips of death and ask ourselves, “Why me?” “Why did I survive?” “What am I meant to do in the future now that I survived this?”  This makes us stronger mentally because we now realize how precious every second of life is and that life can be over in an instant. After these “near death” experiences the flowers seem a little more colorful, the sun a little brighter, gray skies not so dark, our loved one’s faces a little more beautiful. The annoying stuff that used to be a big deal suddenly, not so annoying. We have more resilience. More patience. More perseverance. More willpower. More grit. A new point of view. We take on a new perspective, looking at our world through a different lens. A new sense of appreciation for what is and what we have.

You can get the International bestseller The Shi*t I Wished I learned in College here:


Check Out “The Sh*t I Wished I Learned in College” an International Best-Selling Book on Amazon

Harrisburg, PA – WEBWIRE – 

Best Seller Publishing announces the release of Jaime Jackson’s new #1 international best-selling book, “The Sh*t I Wished I Learned in College.”

Harness the life lessons handed down from generation to generation and discover pearls of wisdom that can help you lead your most authentic life. Whether you’re a college student or are fully immersed in the daily grind of the workforce, chances are, you feel like you have too many glasses to fill. Social media, influencers, and celebrities paint a gilded portrait of what the good life is—and it usually involves money, status, and fame. You work so hard to achieve these things that you can risk losing sight of your destiny and your passions. You have a unique journey to complete—and nobody knows how to get to your destination better than yourself.

Life is all short and fleeting. If you have loved anyone or anything and lost it, then you know how arbitrary, unexpected, and plain shocking life events can be. It is precisely in the face of your biggest challenges and losses that a deep sense of awakening arises—and you realize that happiness is impossible if you keep trying to live by everyone else’s standards. Consider this book to be a manual for life; one with a myriad of timeless messages you can pick and choose as you desire, put your own imprint upon, and come back to over the years.

“The Sh*t I Wished I Learned in College” by Jaime Jackson is available on Amazon at:

“The Sh*t I Wished I Learned in College” has a Rating of 5.0 Stars on, here’s what some people are saying:

“This is an excellent book, and a great guide for young people about to set forth on life. There is tons of great advice for any age of people as well! I would highly recommend this book for anyone to gain a positive way to navigate life.” -Kyle F.

“The book is full of excellent advice for both young and old. It provides practical tools and sage wisdom to help shape your actions for any future decisions you may have to make. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It will certainly help improve the quality of life for anyone who reads it.” -Nancy C.

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Best Seller Publishing is a Los Angeles Publishing Company dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs become “the hunted” with their best-selling books.

About the Author:

Jaime Jackson is a trial lawyer and lawyer lifestyle advocate. He has been recognized as the Lawyer of the Year for Personal Injury Litigation—Plaintiffs, in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area and Jaime Jackson Law has been noted among the Best Law Firms by U.S. News - Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” for personal injury litigation, also in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. Jaime has also been selected as a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for 10 years in a row.