Tuesday, February 16, 2021



How many times have we stopped just short? We are working on a project, we are doing a workout program, we are reading a book and we just don't quite finish what we started. Kind of like not sticking to our “New Year’s resolutions”. Then there is the David Goggins approach of one more rep, mother&^%$#&. Goggins does finish what he starts, even if it takes driving back to the gym to do the 10th pull up because he stopped at nine, that’s great and has its place, but may be a little extreme for some of us in our day to day lives. We have heard, the phrase going the extra mile, it's lonely on the extra mile, as is usually the case though, there is a middle ground between these two poles, one “quitting ” or stopping short of what we started, and on the other end kind of extreme, put in more, put in more until we burn out, and that is just do the task at hand, finish what we start, do our job, do our best  Just finish. Nothing less. Finish the project one step at a time. Finish our workout program one rep at a time.  Finish the book. (unless it’s a real stinker then move on to the next one, life is short). It's about finishing what you started and doing your best. That is, it. Do what you say, say what you mean. Never give in. Never come up short. Just do it. Get the job done. Then move on to the next job and get it done. One step, one rep, one thought, one task at a time. Don't sell yourself short. Finish what you started.


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