Friday, February 12, 2021




I'm in a hurry to get things done, I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, I'm in a hurry and I don't know why. -- Alabama


Jumping from one fire to the next. Is that what we really need, or want, or is there a better way? We have choices, we can control our time, or we should be able to, right? Why do we do this to ourselves? Pack our schedules, or even when they may not be packed, we need that sensation we are “busy”, so we still rush and rush from one thing to the next or fritter away precious time mindlessly spinning our wheels or going through the motions because we “feel” we must.  But pause and ask are we busy being productive? Are we busy being productive at what we truly want? Or are we busy to feel busy? Seeking out that “feeling” we are really important, we are really busy today or are we frittering away the day without taking time for ourselves, time to think, time to contemplate. Are we just stirring the pot to create controversy, stress, because we need that feeling of strife or of importance or are we really standing up for what we know is right and what needs to be done. If it does not bring us closer to our end game and it's not in line with our values-- avoid it. Sometimes you have to say no to the mediocre so you can say yes to the great. Are you in a hurry and don't know why?

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