Wednesday, February 24, 2021




There are very few things we can control. We can control how we choose to see things. How we choose to react to things. We cannot always control what happens to us or around us, but we can control how we react to it. We can control our point of view. We can control how we feel. How we see the world. How we react to circumstances around us. We can prepare. We can train. We can get in the arena. We can just get started. We can get out of our comfort zones. We can get on the surfboard and be riding the wave, then we may find ourselves underwater. Relax, accept it, rely on your physical and mental training and the wave will pass over us. We know what we must do. Do our best. Do the work. We cannot always control the stimulus, but we can control our response. We can control our own behavior, our own actions and reactions. We must focus on what is within our control and let go of what we cannot control. That is what other people do and think, that is their choice. Do what we can do and do it well in line with our virtues and values.

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