Monday, February 22, 2021




Overthinking sometimes can create stress, worry, or fear. Some things are like a cold shower, we just gotta get in. After a while it is tolerable, even feels pretty good. Yes, we need to think through things, to diligently prepare and do the work. But fretting or worrying too much can be counterproductive. Calm, cool, confidence knowing you got this, you have put in the work. You have thought things through. You have prepared. You are ready to go. Avoid getting sidetracked with excessive worry or distraction. A little nervous energy, excitement, angst is a good. It keeps us focused on the task at hand and reminds us we very much care but be wary of the opposite end of the spectrum where we overanalyze, overthink and “what if” ourselves into inefficiency. Stay focused. Stay calm. Stay confident and know you are quite good enough and quite capable . Whatever happens you are well suited for the job because you are good at what you do, you are capable, prepared, and ready to get it done.

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