Thursday, February 11, 2021



We all have it. Some people may be better at tapping into it or going deeper than others, but it's in there somewhere. Where does it come from? Fortitude, persistence, resilience, relentlessness, justice, wisdom, courage, temperance, patience, strength, whatever label we choose to put on it, these are just wording we use, what counts is what we do and how we act. We may never know the exact answer whatever, wherever divine Providence or the universe has placed within us or whatever we have grown, developed, cultivated ourselves or both, we are all capable of things or so much more than what we ever “thought” possible. The choices we make based on our values is the foundation for everything we do. The hero and the coward, they feel the same inside, they just make different choices on how to act or what to do. Which do you choose? I choose courage. I choose truth. I choose justice. I choose to do my best no matter what the circumstances may be. I don't know where our “inner strength” comes from in the end, but I do know it's there and I am going to use it to the best of my ability.

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